Wednesday, April 20, 2011

airprint your visit summaries

You can print visit summaries and procedure notes using AirPrint.

full version new features

new version now has these great features
* printing procedure reports
* printing summary of a visit
* printing advance search results
* save free-hand drawing on to diagrams of cornea, lens, retina, disc!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Future features!

Future full version of this software will contain following exciting features
  1. Sync data with host clinic server
  2. Printing reports
  3. Medication alarms
  4. Many others

  5. Hello new eyePatients users

    Hi all,

    eyePatients is designed to help eye care clinicians including ophthalmologists, optometrists and ophthalmic technicians in
    managing patient data records.
    It is also great for patients who would like to keep track of and take control of their own eye condition.
    It is designed for managing data related to common eye diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age related macula degeneration and cataract.
    Features of this software include:
    1. Simple scroll based entry system and intuitive navigation system
    2. Record all relevant patient clinical information (including allergies, family history, risk factors)
    3. Record all relevant information of an ophthalmic visit
    4. Automatic plot visual acuity and intra ocular pressures of each visit on a time scale which can be explored interactively
    5. Record and plot procedures performed (such as cataract surgery, intravitreal injection etc)
    6. Record medications (ocular and oral)
    7. Record additional annotations
    8. Export visual acuity and intraocular pressure graphs to photo gallery
    9. Highly flexible and advanced query system to search the database

    10. This software is also very flexible. You can use it simply as a surgical audit database, or
      you can use it to record more detailed data for your clinical practice.
      I hope this software will help you manage your patients.